Oct 27, 2009

Theory of Moment of Perception Shift

This blog is written and owned by Saurabh Gupta

This theory states that "the day you move from the supplier side of the value chain in the world to the needy side, you see people (friends, well wishers) approaching you dropping drastically in number and there comes a moment in life when your perception of yourself is challenged from within. While most people surrender to this moment of perception shift admitting that they can't live in this aloof arena, there remains some who evolve with a golden glow, with their characters grown multi fold. This moment of perception shift can either make or break you in life - it all depends on your understanding of the existence of this moment and how well you can handle it. People that stand by you during this time are the people that would be with you forever."

Few example for correlation of existence of this moment:
  • The day you lose your job, the number of people calling you drop drastically. Suddenly no one in the world is bothered about you and you meet the moment of perception shift questioning everything about yourself.
  • The day you are caught by cops for some thing wrong, boom! people gone and you meet the moment. 
  • The day you are bankrupt, boom!
  • The day you move to the startup life, boom!
I have a strange feeling from the day I started working on my start-up. Earlier, people had a different way of discussing stuff but now the equation seems skewed. I can clearly see the theory being applicable in my life and hence I am better prepared for it. I don't think that we can really change.. I truly believe that attitude matters in life and just screw it, don't give a damn to the suckers.. Let's see the world truly believing in who we are!

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