Jan 13, 2010

Reverse the chase game

This post might sound weird to some and 'General Gyaan' to others, but I guess some would like it and I am happy with that proportion. Like they say - it's all common sense once shared.

I have been through some very basic challenges of the start-up life and 'm waiting for many others. Infact, I have been associated with lots of start-ups and I noticed one thing in common with most of them. All of them were chasing some one - some were chasing investors, others were chasing customers /clients and some else were chasing money. I think focusing on the chase makes it a bit easier but there is still a better way to ensure the end result and that is don't chase et al. What would you do then? 

Try to focus on longer term perspective of the company. A catch here - most of the start-ups don't have a long term goal and that prevents them from gaining a focus for the company. So, what would you do if you stop chasing - 'Improve yourself till the point people start chasing you - invest in your brand, your people, your product and market it well.'

Here the question comes back to me on the very basic needs of mankind - roti, kapda, makaan .. we can't get these things with the general gyaan and I totally accept the logic, but so does some sensible people around. If you invest your time and money in creating a valuable product and if you have the right focus, then people start getting associated with you. Get investors as part of the team who share your vision, your approach and who stick with you for a longer term. Get people on board who trust you, who trust your approach towards work and your working style, than just the product or solution. Product changes with time, target market changes with time, infact entire ball game in the real world changes with time. For eg. - scooters market is wiped out and bikes are ruling the two-wheeler market now or Toyota is ruling the automobile industry and GM is history now. Did investors of Bajaj Scooter or Toyota plan all that while investing? May be, may be not.

The very basic point I want to share is to stop investing time and energy in the chase and start investing in people, solution and brand. In fact, if investors and customers are not coming for your product then there is something fundamentally wrong with your solution. Think over the same, improve and get them to chase you ... it's not a cake walk, but I guess we are not here for a cake walk.

One more point before I close - it's one out of the many ingredients to create a successful enterprise and not everything. Every successful enterprise today had good people to back them up, some share of luck and immense hard work. It's always company values that make it successful, so stop chasing the world.. Just improve 'n improve and wait for the day when they chase you..The game gets reversed

If this all is weird to you, then I am not writing this blog post for you.

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